Private Shopping Hours northXsouth Ballymoney

Private Shopping Hours northXsouth Ballymoney


We have made every effort to provide the safest shopping experience possible.

Our staff will be wearing masks and cleaning high-touch areas frequently. We have also installed a specialised air sterilisation unit which cleans the air every 12 minutes.

In recognition that not everyone feels comfortable shopping during busier times we are offering 1-1 private viewing slots.

You can call us on 028 272 38088 or you can also email us


Bookings are available between 9am - 10am & 4pm - 5pm on weekdays. 

Spaces are limited to a maximum of two couples per session. 


This service is designed to accommodate elderly and or clinically vulnerable persons who may not otherwise feel safe shopping.

You will not be asked to provide reasons or details at point of booking or arrival.

Now Stocking Le Creuset - northXsouth Ballymoney

67 Main Street, Ballymoney

Andrew Kilpatrick

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